Whether you’re a San Antonio business owner or manager, running a hotel can be a lot of work. There is so much to think about from the comfort of your guests to the happiness of your employees to the way the hotel itself functions. While there’s plenty to consider, one thing that may not come to mind is the quality of the water in the building.
We like to believe that the water provided by our municipality is the best quality available but the fact is, they are only required to adhere to the bare minimum as far as water quality standards are concerned. As the San Antonio area’s top commercial water softener company, we’ve seen it plenty of times – even in hotels and spas (and the spas within hotels)!
A Breakdown of What Hard Water Can Affect
Even if your building is brand new, it can still be affected by hard water, especially here in central Texas. Hard water occurs when there’s an abundance of calcium and magnesium ions in the water as well as other dissolved metals. Without a commercial water softener system, this build-up can wreak havoc on your building’s appliances, plumbing, and utility bills, not to mention what it can do to the skin of your customers and staff.
Have you ever noticed spots on your water faucets, cooking appliances, and dining essentials? The culprit is hard water. Or what about water not flowing like it normally would? That could be hard water as well. Commercial water softener companies are trained and skilled in determining whether or not your San Antonio business has hard water as well as the best way to alleviate the issue.
How a Commercial Water Softener Can Benefit Your Hotel or Spa
The first-time stay at your hotel or a first-time visit to your spa is a crucial one. It can determine whether or not a new customer becomes a repeat one. Give them the best experience by providing the best water available with a San Antonio commercial water softener system.
When it comes to owning a hotel, one of the benefits of commercial water softeners is the enhancement of all of your linens and towels. Soft water results in softer, fresher sheets that not only feel better, but look better and will last longer. Because soft water requires less detergent to properly clean linens, hotels and spas can save up to 40% on detergent with a commercial water softener system.
Another benefit of working with a commercial water softener company on correcting your hard water is the savings. From cleaning supplies to the maintenance of your appliances and water-using equipment, commercial water softeners can drastically reduce the amount you’re spending to keep your hotel or spa looking spotless and operating at optimum levels.
Make The Investment
Investing in a commercial water softener system may sound costly, but it’s one that will not only save you money on overhead costs but will also create an environment that will keep customers happy as well as turn them into repeat customers.
It all begins with a free water test administered by our commercial water softener company. Once we determine your level of hard water, we’ll suggest the best commercial water softener system for your business in San Antonio. Take your business to the next level – contact us at 830.730.6799 today to schedule your free water test!