Our Mission
Water is essential to human health, from conception to old age, hydration is key to making the human systems work. In fact, our world is rapidly changing and with these changes the cleanness of our water has been deteriorating. I have heard, “well I have been drinking the water for 35 years and no problems.” I respond, “that you know of”. We are all aware of bioburden, this is what contributes to inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other human/animal maladies. The bioburden in our water is increasing and at a pace that our municipal water providers can’t cost effectively protect. This puts the onus on us.
Our mission is to educate our neighbors that now is the time to be accountable for the quality of the water that we invite into our homes, drink, cook and clean food with. We are doing this through asking our neighbors to read their local Water Quality Report (city/municipal water) and to test their wells frequently. Our team has researched, tested and been licensed to provide solutions for our local water problems. As a result, we have found solutions that fix the problems with/in our water and do such for a better price. Central Texas Water Softeners invite you to learn about water, the quality of your water and how to get great water for your home and family.