Integrity - Central Texas Water Softeners


  • September 25, 2020
Integrity - Central Texas Water Softeners

We have noticed lately that we have two “competitors” that have purchased Google Ad’s using variations of our Company name, in hopes of having your searches for us, direct you to them.

Do not be fooled by Jason’s Water Softeners using “Water Softeners Central Texas” or Kinetico’s AmericanWaterTX using “Central Texas Water Softeners and Filter Specialists” in their Search Engines.

We find this type of trickery deceptive and manipulative.  We live to our Motto, which makes our company and products the superior value.  We do not sell but educate.  We offer great products at a value, while the others lower their values, use hard sell tactics, specify unneeded water treatments and confuse.

Central Texas Water Softeners

Better Products • Better Service • Better Price

Better Products:  We sell Canature WaterGroup Products (this includes Hydrotech, Aqua Flo, Pura and numerous other brand names).  Canature, water treatment experts for 52 years.  These products offer the widest lines of water treatment from Residential Economy models (often rebranded by numerous other well-known companies) to engineered Commercial/industrial units.

What do local households need?  Depends on your water sources.

Most Municipal Water requires three treatments:

  • Softener – ours usually are $1,400 – $1,500 installed (very large homes – $1,700.00)

This is a top of the line softener, with a digital adaptive head, optimal precision brining, upflow regeneration, to save water, salt and electricity.

  • Catalytic Carbon – a large, matching volume to your softener tank. These tanks are $1,000 installed.  Catalytic Carbon is top grade carbon (above GAC and Activated Coconut).  The use of this tank, beside the benefits of remove carcinogens from the disinfectants in the water, will extend the life of your softener resin by 3 times.
  • Reverse Osmosis for drinking, cooking, food prep and ice. Our under the kitchen sink unit is $550.  Depending on the faucet, appliance hook-up these range from $50 – $150.  This item can be pre planned for installation in the garage with multiple hooks ups to faucets, ice makers, fridges, etc.

Private Well Users:  Private wells are not regulated by TCEQ or the EPA!

Because private wells are not regulated, by practice they should be treated by a qualified Water Treatment Specialist, licensed by TCEQ and regularly tested.  Private well water needs some form of disinfection!

Most Private Wells require:  Steps:

  • Sediment – is there sediment in the water? This can require a spin down filter, sediment filters or a Nexsand tank for removing this sediment.  ($500-$1,400)
  • Are there other smells in the water – Rotten Egg and this requires a filter with a combination of carbon and air to turn the contaminants from airborne to particles which can be removed by the carbon. ($1,200-$1,600).  There can be other problems, but they are rare/localized/or unique.
  • Softener – some wells locally are extremely hard and may require 2-3 tank systems for removing the hardness. There can be also small amount of manganese and iron (if larger amounts another filter is required – but this is not normal in our area) in the water, that can be removed by the softener properly if a resin booster is added to the brine tank.  If not the iron and manganese will build up on the resin and foul it in a shorter time.  ($1,400 – $3,500)
  • Disinfection – this is accomplished by either a chlorine drip (not our favorite to add chemicals to water), we prefer to use UV lights for Sterlization. ($800-$1,400)
  • Reverse Osmosis for drinking, cooking, food prep and ice. Our under the kitchen sink unit is $550.  Depending on the faucet, appliance hook-up these range from $50 – $150.  This item can be pre planned for installation in the garage with multiple hooks ups to faucets, ice makers, fridges, etc.

We have solutions for Rain-Water or multi-sourced water.

All these products offer the longest, most comprehensive warranty of all water treatment companies, because their digital heads, need less maintenance, because they regenerate as needed, not on a meter, causing less wear and tear, along with more savings from salt, water, electricity and service needed.  The less wear and tear, the less service.  When we do need to make a Service call, we are $95 an hour.  We are one of the only providers that also include 1-year labor warranty.

Our Products are not proprietary, so you can find replacement parts and filters online, this gives us competition, which we win through Better Prices and Better Service.

We look forward to earning the privilege of becoming your trusted water treatment company.

Central Texas Water Softeners understands your local water and what is needed to make it the best working and/or drinking water. Our mission is finding the right water solutions to help your home and business get clean, pure water while providing water knowledge. For more information on water softeners, reverse osmosis, water purity and filtration, contact the experts at Central Texas Water Softeners. We take pride in saying that we supply the best water treatments in the Hill Country and surrounding area.

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Better Products * Better Service * Better Price


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  • Texas Water Quality AssociationMember Since 2019

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